Thursday, 1 November 2018

How Keto Brings Weight Loss ... ?!

How Keto Brings Weight Loss ... ?!

One of the first things that we always lose when we embark on the ketogenic diet is most definitely water weight. The body stores glucose as adipose fats, but there is a small supply of glucose that is stored as glycogen, which consists of mostly water. Glycogen is meant to supply quick bursting energy, the sort that we need when we are sprinting or lifting weights. As we cut carbs, the body turns to glycogen as the first pool of energy supply, which is why water weight will be lost in the initial stages. This initial burst of lost
weight can be a morale booster for many, and it is a good portent for what is to come for folks who stick to the keto diet. On a side note, water weight is easily lost and gained. This means that for folks who see some results on the keto diet initially and then decide to get off the bandwagon for some reason, the chances are their weight would balloon back up once carbs become the daily caloric mainstay.

For the rest who stick with the ketogenic diet, what happens next will be the body’s fat burning mechanism which is responsible for the astounding weight loss results seen by many. The basic premise is still the same, in that adipose fats are now activated as sources of energy by the body’s organs and cells, leading to a natural state of fat loss and hence accompanying weight reduction.

Fat burning is not the only reason why weight loss is seen on the keto diet. Hunger suppression and improve satiety after meals are also reasons why folks are able to lose weight better whilst on the diet. The adage of eating less and moving more has always been one of the long-standing tenets in weight loss. The whole idea is to create a calorie deficit such that the body is required to rely on its stored supplies of energy to make up for the required expenditure. On paper, that sounds easy and simple, but for anyone who has
been through situations where you have had to consciously curb your eating on a hungry stomach, it could be as difficult as scaling Mount Everest!

With the ketogenic diet, you know that you will have natural hunger suppression, due to the adjustment of the hormones which control feelings of hunger and fullness. Besides that, the food that we typically consume whilst on the diet also helps out with the weight loss. Fats and protein are known to be more satiating and fulfilling than sugary carbs. When we switch to a high-fat diet while cutting down on the carbs, we achieve two things pretty much at the same time. Easing back on carbs, especially the sugary stuff, reduces the impulse to eat just because you feel like it, not because you are truly hungry. Jacking up the fat intake also creates the satiety effect much quicker and lets you feel full. This is part of the reason why many keto dieters say that they can go on two and a half or even two meals a day without feeling the slightest pinch of hunger.

On our keto meal plan, we account for a daily caloric intake that ranges from 1,800 to 2,000 calories, so we do not really utilize calorie restriction in order to reduce weight. The reality is that, when you are experiencing fullness and satisfaction from your meals, those tiny and innocent looking snacks that occupy the time in between meals will not feature much in your life! Think about it: donuts, chips, and cakes, which are the typical go-to snacks, get cut
out, simply because you are less likely to give in to hedonistic hunger caused primarily by those same sugary treats! That goes a really long way in cutting excess calories which would otherwise have been converted to adipose fat tissue.

To sum it up, the ketogenic diet allows for meals without the typical calorie restriction of other weight loss diets. It also gives a helping hand in creating hunger suppression effects so that you do not have to contend with those dastardly hunger pangs! There is also the absence of carb cravings, which can potentially derail any diet. This lets us enjoy natural weight loss with as little disruption to our daily lives as possible. No calorie counters need to be deployed, no need for a troublesome six to eight meals a day, and definitely no weird or funny exercise routines required. When you couple that with the fulfilling keto high-fat meals, you reach a situation where hunger might get to become a stranger indeed.

Getting to relearn what true hunger is like also comes as another positive spin-off. On a carb-rich diet, we get instances of hunger because our blood sugar levels tend to fluctuate wildly as our cells become gradually insulin desensitized. Sugar also increases the tendency to eat on impulse, which can really derail any diet! When we cut down on carbs and ramp up on the fats, we would really have to sit up and take notice when we feel any hunger pangs, because those would be proper signals that your body needs refueling.

What You Need To Know About The Ketogenic Diet?

Ketosis: What Is It? Know-How...

Is the Ketogenic Diet A Starvation Diet?

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